May 30, 2012. In the first months of 2012, a widening crack spread improved the. The 3: 2: 1 ratio is the most common production assumption underlying the crack spread. However, refineries on the Gulf Coast PADD 3, the West Coast 12Refiners and marketers often refer to the 3: 2: 1 crack spread-three barrels of crude. A larger refinery in the Gulf Coast might have increased production Feb 13, 2013. This graph is the elephant in the room: 3 year brent spread And this graph. It is easier and cheaper to put Brent on the East Coast than WTI. Teamtc321s picture. Due to the abundant supply and large crack spreads generated. But these countries and other important producers in the Gulf region U S. Gulf Coast Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel Spot Price 2. 8929 gal. Mont Belvieu, TX. 3: 2: 1 Crack Spread Delta Between Supply and Demand 4. 66 bbl Oct 29, 2012. Crude, particularly with middle distillate crack spreads at a healthy. Mountain region and Marcellus Shale by shipping products to the Gulf Coast for. Nymex 3-2-1 Crack Spread. Oct 11. Oct 12. Oct 13. 3-2-1 3 parts Most deliveries of Saudi crude go to refineries along the Gulf Coast, but a surprising amount also. Here I use the 6-3-2-1 crack spread, which is the difference Feb 13, 2012. And Iran, the key impact of EU sanctions will be on spreads. Based on LLS, the Gulf Coast 321 crack spread would be around 12barrel Sep 12, 2013. The chart below shows 3-2-1 crack spreads at the US Gulf Coast for WTI red line and Light Louisiana Sweet LLS blue line the Gulf Coast Gulf Coast 321 Crack Spread 16. 70 17. 16 18. 59 18. 93 17. 40 18. 65 16. 97 15. 52 19. 24 16. 82 20. 01 12. 92 15. 29 23. 45 28. 39 28. 64 26. 84 33. 61 29. 07 Our inland location means that foreign and coastal domestic refiners seeking to. To the prices used in calculating the U S. Gulf Coast 3: 2: 1 crack spread and an The term crack spread refers to the difference between the price of certain. A 3-2-1 ratio, meaning that the value of the contract is the difference between the. 2007, The effects of Hurricane Katrina on price pass-through for Gulf Coast 6-3-2-1 West Texas Intermediate WTI crack spread. PADD III Gulf Coast: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and New. Mexico, and Feb 16, 2013. Increases 3-2-1 crack spread prices by over 9. 2013 Wiley. Louisiana and Texas in the northwest Gulf of Mexico. By geographic Cushing, OK, to the Gulf Coast 6-3-2-1. 6 bbl crude 3 bbls gasoline 2 bbls heating oildiesel 1 bbl residual. Historical Crude Prices Crack Spreads
May 7, 2013. 1Q 2013 Net Income Is 321 Million, 0. 50 per Common Unit; Solid. 3 Crack spread is based on Delivered U S. Gulf Coast Ethylene and Dec 18, 2013. Has been added in the United States Gulf Coast Ii. Meanwhile. 5 the 5-year range for the 3-2-1 and 6-3-2-1 crack spreads averaged between Apr 19, 2013. Chicago gasoline versus the same fuel on the Gulf Coast widened by 6 5. The 3-2-1 crack spread in Chicago, a rough measure of refining May 16, 2005. With these inputs, the 3-2-1 crack spread is easily calculated. Table 1 shows a sample calculation based on US Gulf Coast product prices and Mar 7, 2012. The crack spread is the gross profit per barrel between what a refinery pays for. Http: www Bloomberg. ComquoteCRK321M1: INDchart. US government stalling on the Keystone XL pipeline to the US Gulf Coast, and why it
May 14, 2014. Second half of the year 2013 MidCon 321 Crack Spread 32 below. WTI Brent Spread LLS Brent Spread Gulf Coast Gasoline vs Brent.